Our logistics expertise
Digitize, Optimize, Transform
The world of logistics at Trustbit
For almost 15 years, we have been tackling a wide range of logistics challenges in order to drive forward the digital transformation of this industry. This is still an exciting topic for us today, as new opportunities are emerging, particularly in the context of digitalization, not only to optimize the world of logistics, but also to revolutionize it thanks to new digital business areas.
With the help of our many years of comprehensive expertise, we accompany our customers in the logistics sector in the transformation of their business models, support them with insights and research in the field of machine learning and data science, and develop customized software solutions.
And because that's still not enough for us, we blog about the burning issues in logistics or devote ourselves to logistics topics in hackathons to explore new approaches to solutions.
We are also delighted about our partnership with the Logistics Competence Center (LKZ). As part of our partnership, we not only deepen our specialist knowledge and can network with international experts, but also offer exclusive services together with the LKZ.

Success Stories
From processing millions of GPS signals, customized software for transport tracking to automated location profiling: Learn more about our projects in the logistics sector.
LKZ Prien Partnership
Whether it is joint services, workshops, further training or organizing the LOGISTIK INNOVATIV Symposium - our partnership with the Logistik Kompetenz Zentrum Prien has many facets that enrich us.
Answers to current questions in logistics
Continuous learning and passing on what we have learned is firmly anchored in our DNA. We therefore keep you up to date with articles on the burning issues of the logistics world.
Sustainable Logistics Hackathon
Can the world of logistics be made more sustainable through play? We know: Yes, because that was precisely our goal at this year's hackathon. Learn more about our event, we have captured the impressions for you.
Our success stories in logistics
Trustbit x LKZ Prien:
An excellent partnership
The Logistics Competence Center (LKZ) is an innovation center for transport and logistics located in Prien am Chiemsee that builds bridges between science and business with comprehensive logistics expertise.
How our customers benefit from the partnership with the LKZ
Expertise and international exchange
The partnership with the LKZ Prien enables us to gain expertise at the very highest level and at the cutting edge of research due to the strong international network as well as the proximity to research and relevant educational institutions (for example Fraunhofer IML on site, TU Rosenheim, TU Munich, TU Nuremberg and many more).
Value creation through standardization
Furthermore, LKZ continuously initiates standardization projects such as: "NIKRASA" (craneable semi-trailer), which optimizes the entire logistics value chain step by step. Thanks to our partnership, we always have our finger on the pulse of standardization projects in logistics.
Common services
The hands-on mentality, which is also very pronounced at LKZ, coupled with the exciting national and international partners and contacts are, in our view, the perfect complement and starting point for our further organic development in the logistics business field in Europe. We are therefore particularly pleased to be able to offer our customers and interested parties two services "Digitization Strategies" and "Tapping New Revenue Sources" together with LKZ.
AI along the supply chain
The wide range of possible applications for artificial intelligence in logistics reflects the diversity of tasks along the supply chain.
What we offer
Whether automating existing processes with AI and making them more efficient or tapping into new, digitally based sources of revenue: We help to generate business value for your company with data and AI.
Interested? Download our PDF "More business value in logistics with AI" for free and find out more!
Together with LKZ, we offer concrete services around the development of digitization strategies as well as the development of new business areas in compact and very cost-efficient packages. Together with various funding options, these represent the ideal starting points for the digital transformation in your company.
Our services with the LKZ
Digitization strategies
As part of this service, we advise and support you in the digital transformation of your business processes. It is important for us to understand your company and your current processes in detail and to work with you to develop digital solutions that support your employees and business processes and sustainably increase productivity and efficiency.
You want to learn more? We have prepared all the information on this service package for you in a PDF:
Tapping new sources of revenue
Here we advise and accompany you on your way to new business fields or the development of new (also digital) revenue sources. Through the exceptional combination of professional and technical competence paired with many years of experience, we enable sustainable growth as a "One Stop Shop", even in new business areas.
Would you like to tap into new sources of revenue? You can find all further information about this service in the PDF:
Answers and assessments to current issues in logistics
The ticking time bomb CO2 in logistics - what is the cost of doing nothing?
For logistics companies, CO2 reduction measures such as the use of alternative energy sources and alternative fuels are usually associated with higher costs. The introduction of the CO2 tax could soon change that. Here you can find out what the tax means for logistics and why doing nothing is the worst option.
Calculating your own CO2 emissions - why emissions data are essential
The EU is to become climate-neutral by 2050 - Austria even by 2040. To achieve this goal, particularly CO2-intensive companies such as logistics service providers must pull together and sustainably reduce their CO2 emissions. But where to start? And which measures have the greatest effect in terms of CO2 reduction?
Opportunities and Challenges in Rail Freight Transport: 4 Findings from the Training Workshop with LKZ Prien
The Logistics Competence Center (LKZ) Prien has been working on sustainable logistics solutions for decades. In our joint workshop in April 2022, experts from the LKZ gave us exciting insights into the topic of value chains in rail logistics. Here are our 4 most important insights that we took away from the workshop.
Using Cargo Simulation to Reduce CO2 Emissions in Logistics
Due to the CO2 tax, among other things, minimizing CO2 emissions is now a top priority for many logistics companies. Important measures are, for example, optimized routes, the use of combined transport and the improvement of vehicle utilization. But which reduction strategy makes sense when? And how can different solutions be combined? Questions like these can be answered by simulation.
The Sustainable Logistics Simulation Hackathon
"Climate neutrality by 2050": This is a goal set by the EU to make our world more sustainable. To achieve this goal, cross-disciplinary collaboration is also needed in logistics to revolutionize transportation in a sustainable way.

Strengthening this necessary cooperation between experts, scientists and developers was the topic of our Sustainable Logistics Simulation Hackathon. The participants had to take control of a virtual truck and ensure that it transports goods from A to B in Europe.
Since all participants took part in the simulation at the same time, individual decisions also influenced the choice of possible actions of other participants.
The goal was to maximize the profitability of the company's own truck, taking into account various factors such as CO2 emissions, fuel consumption and driver:passenger fatigue.
Interested in a collaboration?
We look forward to hearing from you!
Email: christoph.hasenzagl@trustbit.tech
Phone: +43 664 88454881