Artificial intelligence in treasury management

Welcome to the future of treasury management

From the optimization of liquidity management to the minimization of risks: The use of artificial intelligence can not only optimize the work of treasury departments, but also transform it. Trustbit's AI experts identify processes and develop AI-based solutions to take treasury management to the next level.

Using technological progress:

Generative AI for treasury

The use of artificial intelligence in treasury is not, strictly speaking, a brand new topic. Methodologies such as time series analysis or linear regression have long been used to forecast future key financial figures such as cash flows, exchange rate movements and interest rate changes.

Generative AI opens up new opportunities in treasury

In contrast to classic AI, generative AI is a relatively new technology for using artificial intelligence in treasury. Tools such as ChatGPT use a so-called Large Language Model (e.g.: GPT-4).

A Large Language Model is a form of artificial intelligence that has been trained to understand and generate human language. It uses large amounts of text data to learn patterns and structures in language and can generate, interpret or translate texts in natural language.

Seminar: Use of AI in treasury with Schwabe, Ley & Greiner

Would you like to learn more about the possibilities of AI in treasury? Then the seminar "Use of AI in Treasury", which we offer together with SLG, is just right for you!


Jan-Frederic Wernet

Consultant | Schwabe, Ley & Greiner

Daniel Weller

Software Architect & Developer | Trustbit

Jörg Egretzberger

CEO | Trustbit

4 Practical use cases for generative AI in treasury

➤ 1st use case: Extended prediction models

Generative AI can help develop models that enable even more accurate predictions of cash flows and market trends by taking into account a wider range of variables and data sources.

➤ 2nd use case: Automated reporting and analysis

Generative models can automatically generate financial reports and perform complex data analyses that previously required time-consuming manual interpretation.

➤ 3rd use case: Better risk management

The ability of generative AI to simulate scenarios and data patterns can improve risk management by helping treasury managers to be better prepared for potential risks and act proactively.

➤ 4th use case: Contract and document management

AI can be used in treasury to review and analyze contracts and other important documents. This includes automatically filling out forms, recognizing patterns and highlighting key clauses that require special attention.

Getting started with AI: what needs to be done?

You want to use AI in your company, but you don't know where and how to start?

Book an AI potential scouting workshop!

Together, we explore the potential for AI applications and draw up an implementation plan for you.

We accompany and support our customers in an 8-step plan until AI is used in regular operations. We have summarized exactly what this looks like in our handout:

Interested in a CONSULTATION?

Your contact Christoph Hasenzagl looks forward to hearing from you!


tel: +43 664 88454881